Thus far, this blog has had a pervading theme throughout: the Facebook "stalker". I will stand (sit) here and admit that I am one of these people. I bet you $5.00 that you are too.
As human beings it is (or at least it feels) absolutely impossible to not do this. With all that information about a person just a click of a button away, how can you NOT check to see if your ex's newest fling is as attractive as you, or see if that babe from class has a significant other?
It's human nature to compare ourselves to others. It's a form of learning, and can speed up one's adaptation to ensure a quality mate or social group. With the invention of Facebook, came the ability to compare oneself to many people all at once, and in secret.
Facebook stalking like this also answers alot of questions too awkward to ask, especially about potential significant others. How embarassing is it to ask out that cute co worker, only to find out they've been in a 4 year relationship with the love of their lives? Online stalking prevents this from happening (see previous relationship status post). Facebook will either post their relationship status, or you can check their photos out. If they are cozied up in more photos than not with the same person, chances are you're outta luck there champ. You can move on shamelessly. No harm, no foul.
The crazier people out there will take this to a bit of an extreme. You can find out almost anything about a person from Facebook. Their favorite movies, books, hobbies, everything down to where they're going to be that night. With a little Facebook sleuthing you can have a person pegged, before even getting to meet them. Even if the "stalkee" has not posted much about themselves on their profile, Facebook lets you see entire comment threads between the "stalkee" and their friends. From analyzing whatever "hot topic" they are discussing via facebook wall posts, you can learn alot and use this to your advantage. This method is perfect for the socially inept among us. I personally do not go this deep into the abyss that is the Facebook stalker syndrome, but that's because I have no problem talking to people in real life.
That being said, I do admit to stalking ex boyfriends, their new girlfriends, current boyfriend's ex girlfriends, their new boyfriends, and babes. tons and tons of babes. Stop judging me, you all do it too.
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